28 September, 2013

day six.

Teaching young learners to be excited about creating and sewing is one of Pattie's many passions. She will begin working with children as young as 5 years old, encouraging their problem-solving and fine motor skills. Depending on their age, students either begin working on embroidery projects, such as small felt dolls, or scenes of birds frolicking on a branch. More advanced students make their own clothing, and she has even had a student produce his own fashion show while still in high school.

Today I got to experience two classes with junior students. One is making a lion out of felt. She is embroidering the details on the mane and face and then sewing those pieces to the body to create the lion. Another student is embroidering bluebirds on a branch with flowers. 

I love watching Pattie interact with children. She has way of speaking with them that makes them feel as if she is their equal, and it really encourages them to open up to the whole experience. I may or may not have also learned a couple of tricks Pattie uses to tie knots beautifully.

Until next time, 


(Hours:  10:00-2:00; 4 hours) 

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