26 September, 2013

day four.

When it comes to textiles, Pattie may be classified as an expert. She has a love for fabric that is exhibited in her vast knowledge on the different fibers and their properties. This knowledge translates to a designer that respects the nature of the cloth, resulting in better-made garments. Pattie is teaching me to trust my instincts and let the fabric guide my design. Have I mentioned how much I love my internship yet?

I have come across a lot of fabric while cleaning out Pattie's closet. I am organizing it by fabric type and/or end use. It has been a great test of fabric knowledge, and Pattie has helped me classify fiber content. The best way is by setting it on fire.

Pattie keeps a special coffee cup in the studio that she uses to burn fabrics to be certain if they are made of natural or man-made fibers. If the result is ash, the fabric is made with natural fibers. If the result is a gooey or hard plastic ball, the fabric is made with man-made fibers. I have been burning everything in my studio at home.

Until next time,


(Hours 10:00P-5:30P; 7.5 Hours)

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