19 September, 2013

day one.

Hello there.

My name is Amanda. I am a senior at a design school, and I may have just made the biggest mistake of my life... I started an internship at Seam.

Seam--a design studio specializing in creating exquisite, one-of-a-kind garments, breathing new life into rare vintage attire, and altering high-end pieces to fit miraculously-- is the lovechild of designer, garment specialist, and queen of the world, Pattie Talbot. The business was established in 2005 as an outlet for Pattie to utilize her spectacular talent on a more personal level with her customers. Pattie meticulously handles each garment, ensuring that it is finished with the utmost quality and care. Her clients range from ladies who lunch and the chairman of the board to style icons and rock royalty. Essentially, Pattie is the thread keeping Nashville's high society looking flawless.

Seam owner, Pattie Talbot.

Today Pattie and I spent time getting to know each other better and set a schedule for the remainder of the semester. I observed Pattie as she altered a loyal client's latest purchases, and she showed me a few tricks to fit garments flawlessly with slight adjustments rather than tedious changes.

I wandered through the rack of custom designs and works-in-progress, taking note of the delicate care given to each piece. I found suit jackets made of the finest wool on Savile Row, fur coats that have traveled through generations, and a couture gown that will be worn at Kensington Palace. 

I am excited to embark upon this journey at Seam. Pattie will be an incredible instructor and mentor, and I am looking forward to spending time with such a talented, witty, and gracious woman.


Hours: 1:00 PM-5:00 PM (4 Hours)

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